
good bye Baby

Farm Cat Special

This kitty was a tough one. She lived outside for the first 12 years of her life and never really wanted to come inside. After being accidentally declawed by our vet at the time of her spay, we tried to make her a house cat. She wanted and had none of that. She was so very unhappy that we let her go outside again. In the winter she would occasionally come inside and curl up in front of the fire, but always wanted to go back outside.

After my dad died, I convinced my mom to try one more time as there was talk of moving. This time it worked. She happily accepted the warmth and comfort of indoor living. Her beauty and attitude have yet been unmatched, even by her son. My Rasza is her son from the second to last litter she had. He is handsome, but she was beautiful.

Every morning, since the day she moved inside for good, she would meow/growl at "the boys" as they all fought to be the first upstairs to watch me get breakfast ready. This morning, that is truly what I missed the most. There were no sounds coming from behind the basement door. Today when I came home, there were no sounds coming from behind the basement door. I keep waiting to hear her telling someone to move out of her way. She truly reigned the house and held her place as Queen up until the end.

A year and a half ago now, I thought we were going to lose her. Thankfully my vet and internet friends are wonderful and educated me about hyperthyroidism in cats. After checking all bloodwork, we discovered she was hyperthyroid. Once she started medication, she returned to her lively, happy self.

She was never a cuddler unless it was on her own terms. Ever dignified and surveyor of her kingdom, she did not stoop to "dog level" and thus did not allow unwanted human contact.

The reign of Baby has sadly ended, but she will never be forgotten.

Rest well my sweet Baby girl, say "hi" to Snowey (Snowey Morning at Kara Sea, Samoyed, died 6/1998) for me and enjoy wherever you two are. Tell her I still miss her. I'm sure you'll find your daughters Mischief and McGoo and your son Whiskers who sadly passed before you. Run free and have fun.

The only "family" portrait I was ever able to get. Taken the winter she finally moved inside for good.

Last photo ever taken of her. Summer 2009

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