

I just went to my last class before spring break! YAHOO!

I am so relieved. I thought it would never come.

This semester is burning me out already, but I think I'll be ready for a few more weeks of school after this week long break.

I'm working Saturday and Sunday (money is helpful when trying to fix broken animals) but then it's HOME time!

Message from mom is that Bailey seems to be recovering really well. Hopefully the joint supplement is really helping and she's not in pain at all. That would be the best news of the year so far.

I do hope to keep up with training blogs while I'm home. I really need to work on heeling in tons of different environments with both dogs since I know both dogs are capable of achieving a CDX or UCDX.

Going to set training goals and stick to them and actually keep records.

Time to go get some cat food from Superior. I went yesterday but a FEED STORE closes at 5 PM I guess. I was sure they'd be open until seven or so.

1 comment:

Cat, Tessie, & Strata said...


Thanks for reading! I had a blast reading through your blog and checking out your website. Buzz does remind me a ton of Ms. Tessie, and you and I are so similarly minded that it's like we were seperated at birth... by two or three years... and half a country. :)

I will definately be adding you to my "blogroll" as soon as my brain allows me to process HTML editing. :D