excerpt from one of my papers... I find it highly amusing...
Luther’s interpretation of Adam and Eve in The Garden Of Eden was very thought provoking. The excerpt from “Feminism and Theology” by Janet Martin Soskice and Diana Lipton offered Luther’s interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:13-14 (For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.) as one uncommon way to explain the essence of “the apple incident.”
“Luther believes that nearly everyone understands this to mean that Adam was not seduced by the Devil but sinned willingly. He wanted to please his wife and placed his love for his wife ahead of his love to God. This common view, he says, presumes the serpent was afraid to approach Adam, the master, but thought Eve, though holy, was weaker and could more easily be seduced. Either Adam was seduced by the woman, who gave him the apple, or he seduced himself by noticing that she did not immediately die, therefore thinking they might escape punishment.”
The paragraph above is a quote from the book "Feminism and Theology" which has been quite an interesting read.
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