
Testing it out.

After her surgery, Bailey, was on pretty strict crate rest for the first week and a half and allowed to have leashed walks for the last five days until sutures came out. The site healed very well this time (thankfully she didn't kill me for all that crate rest... it was worth it) and the vet ok'd her to do "as much or as little as she wants." That's just what we did. We found out agility wasn't on that list quite yet but some casual running/walking/sniffing in the field was. We resumed our twice daily romps in the fields with joy. She was slowly building up those muscles and having a darn good time doing it.

She tracked like a maniac who felt great in the test last week (it was a week ago already... sheesh!) but until today she hasn't really RUN!

As we entered the field today it was as if she finally felt great again and decided to test the leg out at full speed. HOLY COW! I forgot how fast she is. She was running literal laps around Buzz and I (he's been on a long line with me holding on lately because I had to chase him a couple times... naughty old deaf dog). She was taking pretty tight turns and just running with a look of complete joy on her face.

Now I need to go feel her leg, but she seems to be fine. Happy and content and at least the edge is taken off!

In other news... I also tested out Buzz's sit stay (last night) after not working on it for a couple of days. I set the timer for 3:15 and rewarded three times. He wasn't showing signs of moving but I need to keep that rate of reinforcement high and not let him move! We trial in six days! Eeeeep!

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