
Gabby's First (and second) Title(s)

I was so caught up in school and work that I never acknowledged Gabby's first title. Which is actually a huge milestone. And she doesn't just have one title now, she has two!

The road to getting Gabby trial-ready has been a long one, and it certainly isn't over. The above photo is what I want, and these days what I get most of the time! More of the above, and less of the below.

The good news is that the more we work on it, the better she gets! Her first trial, she had a 50% qualifying rate going 2/4 over the two days. Despite that, I was thrilled with how she worked. I'd had her for less than a year, and had been training her for less than 6 months. I entered the trial because we only have 2 per year. I entered the trial hoping I could see where our holes were, and make trial environments a happy place for her! Both of her qualifying runs were in the Veterans class.
First trial!
This is a video from her second trial. So much improvement in her ability to work. Much longer duration heeling. And her heel position remained clear. There is no halfway, she is either heeling with all components there, or she isn't. Which is exactly what I want.
Obviously, the end result is heeling with more duration. But I was SO happy with her. In her second trial, she qualified in 4/4 runs! 100% qualifying rate! She qualified in two Veteran runs and two Level 1 runs! Qualifying in veterans earned her FIRST TITLE! Aroha's ESRA Gift of Gab RLV!

We got really lucky and our club decided to host a one day WCRL trial in December last year. I entered her in Veterans and Level 1 again. And in this trial, she worked as the dog I train. I was so incredibly happy with her. I walked into the ring with my fabulous girl and she blew me away.

Qualifying in Level 1 earned her RL1 title! And qualifying in Veterans earned #2/5 for her RLVX.

Aroha's ESRA Gift of Gab RL1 RLV